2025 Personal tax calculator

Calculate your combined federal and provincial tax bill in each province and territory.

The calculator reflects known rates as of January 15, 2025.

Province Tax Payable After-Tax Income Average Tax Rate Marginal Tax Rate Marginal Rate on Capital Gains* Marginal Rate on Eligible Dividends** Marginal Rate on Ineligible Dividends**
British Columbia B.C.
Alberta Alta.
Saskatchewan Sask.
Manitoba Man.
Ontario Ont.
Quebec Que.
New Brunswick N.B.
Nova Scotia N.S.
Prince Edward Island P.E.I.
Newfoundland and Labrador N.L.
Northwest Territories N.W.T.

These calculations do not include non-refundable tax credits other than the basic personal tax credit. Provincial health premiums and other levies are also excluded from the tax payable calculations. To determine the value of other non-refundable tax credits that may be available, as well as to find out more information on provincial health premiums and other levies, see the individual rate cards.

* The rates apply to the actual amount of the capital gain. The 2024 federal budget proposes to increase the capital gains inclusion rate for individuals from one-half to two-thirds on the portion of capital gains realized in the year exceeding $250,000, for capital gains realized on or after June 25, 2024. For purposes of this table, it is assumed that the net capital gains realized in the year do not exceed $250,000 and the one-half inclusion rate applies. A capital gains exemption may be available to reduce or eliminate the tax on capital gains from certain qualifying property and qualifying business transfers.

** The rates apply to the actual amount of taxable dividends received from taxable Canadian corporations. Eligible dividends are those paid by public corporations and private companies out of earnings that have been taxed at the general corporate tax rate (the dividend must be designated by the payor corporation as an eligible dividend). Where the dividend tax credit exceeds the federal and provincial tax otherwise payable on the dividends, the rates do not reflect the value of the excess credit that may be used to offset taxes payable from other sources of income. This assumption is consistent with prior year rates.

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